Premier Steel Doors and Frames


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Thermal Steel Doors and Frames

Energy Efficient Doors and Frames

With the ever-increasing costs of heating and cooling commercial buildings, Premier has designed and tested our products to the highest levels of thermal performance. Premier’s thermal doors are offered in a variety of door core solutions, with an industry best "operable" U-Factor of .34. All Premier assemblies were tested at an accredited laboratory, in an "operable" configuration to ASTM C1363-19 and SDI-113-23 test standards.


Testing Standards   ASTM 1363-19 Test Method for Thermal Performance of Building Materials and Envelope Assemblies by Means of a Hot Box Apparatus. SDI-113-23 Standard practice for determining the steady-state thermal transmittance of steel door and frame assemblies.

U-Factor   U-Factor is the door’s thermal conductivity. Based on measured heat flow through a sample at the temperature difference of the air on the indoor and outdoor sides. Lower U-Factor the better.
Thermal Steel Doors and Frames

R-Value   R-Value is the door’s thermal resistance. Higher R-Value the better.
Thermal Steel Doors and Frames

ASTM C1363 vs ASTM C518   ASTM 1363’s new criteria provides realistic values representative of actual room conditions and are based on the full surface of an operable door rather than just the center portion of the door surface as with old test procedures utilized in ASTM C518.

Thermal Steel Doors and Frames



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